Architecture, Engineering & Construction

Training / Education
In construction, we are training the next generation in a cost cost efficient way using digital rehearsal to reduce risks and improve outcomes.
Industry challenges
business management
design reviews
/ digital rehearsal

Simulation /Digital Rehearsal
In pre/post construction environment we are innovating through remote visualization and simulation and a new imaging modality to achieve higher accuracy and understanding of challenging conditions.
Modelling complex objects / better understanding of the problem
Visualizing information in 3 dimensional spaces in an intuitive and natural way enables people to understand complex situations, scenarios, objects, and more. For example, project stake holders can visualize building plans from a variety of data sources at scale in real space.

Cost reduction & ROI (time/cash/manpower/resources)
By enabling digital rehearsals and improving communications, we provide an environment where the planned procedure has already been confirmed to work and the people are confident in how to carry out the process. In Total Economic Impact Studies by Forrester on behalf of Microsoft and Meta, the proven ROI of using mixed reality applications and technologies is between 177% and 398%.
We utilise smart information to create intelligent environments that dynamically adapt to the needs of each individual within the space. When the needs of all parties are met, we can ensure the quality and consistency of this collaborative environment and the information shared within. In construction, this means that a construction professional and their stakeholders can better understand proposed solutions for the most complex, challenging conditions.

Remote presence / location / time
Empower construction professionals to solve problems in real time with remote presence of any expert from any location. By using heads-up / hands free video calling people can receive guidance in context from remote collaborators. For example in construction we can 'Walk the site without being onsite' Remote inspections and communicating detailed and complex instructions visually: Rather than communicating instructions via audio call, onsite workers and remote collaborators can use drawings and arrows augmented with 3D models and associated meta data to refer to specific parts of a machine or asset. These annotations are anchored in the user's real space along with live avatars of the remote collaborators including their hands that enable gestures.
Walk the site without being onsite
Remote inspectors can assess product quality without traveling onsite by using Remote Assist or Microsoft Teams to collaborate with a Remote Assist user.